
December 27, 2006


1. Can I deduct this purchase off my taxes?

No. We are not a 501.3c non-profit corporation. As such we do not accept donations, we sell a product. – A portion of the proceeds we will save to donate to charities we care deeply about.

2. Can I donate money without buying the c.d.?

Yes! But only by going to the page of the charity you would like to donate to. (soon links can be found on the side panel.)

3. When will you donate the money you’ve saved to the charities?

Quarterly we tally the results and send a check.

4. How will we know that you’ve actually sent the money?

We will have an announcement on our page about the amount sent. Additionally you can contact the charity to verify a donation was made.

5. Which charities benefit from the sale of “Heart of a Hero”?

First and foremost, those charities which help the families of fallen firefighters. Secondly, we hope that with better equipment and better training, firefighters deaths will decrease to 0 – thus eliminating the need for Fallen Firefighters charities. Because of this, we support charities like the Leary Foundation, which provides equipment and training to firefighters out in the field.

6. I have a charity benefiting fallen firefighters families. How can I get your assistance?

Please contact us! We will evaluate your charity organization to determine the best course.

7. Where can I buy Michelle Crowley’s full length c.d.?

Unfortunately at this time, Michelle does not have a full length c.d. for sale. However, if you would like to hear some of the recordings that will be on her upcoming c.d. you can visit her personal web site: http://www.myspace.com/michellecrowley .

8. Is Michelle available for concert appearances?

Yes! But only on a limited basis and in a limited area at this time. If you are operating a charity we support in the southern California area, please contact us to discuss the details of the event you are producing. If you are a firehouse located in the southern California area and are having a picnic or fundraiser, and you want Michelle to sing at the event, please contact us.

9. What is your contact information?

You can email sarsip at excite dot com and address any questions, comments, or site problems you may have. We will get back to you a.s.a.p.

10. Are you in a hurry?

I’m not, but Michelle may be. You’ll have to ask her. 🙂

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